The Grocery List : Mobile

Problem: You spend more time at the grocery store than you need to because items on your hand written grocery list are not organized to prevent you from revisiting departments while you shop.

Using 3 simple steps, The Grocery List helps you avoid wasting time revisiting departments at the grocery store.

1. Organize your list by grocery store departments, aisles, or locations. To save even more time, you can even sort the order of departments on the list to create a predetermined path through the grocery store.

2. Build your list by adding the items you plan to purchase to corresponding departments on the list.

3. Track your progress as you visit the departments in the grocery store. The Grocery List will let you know when you have marked all the items in a department as collected. It’s easy to see at a glance which departments still have items to collect.


* The Grocery List comes with an example list to get you started.

* Add, delete, rename and reorder the departments on your list.

* Customize the icon for each department.

* Preserve and reuse your list when you are done by unchecking all items with the tap of a button.


The Grocery List



  • Tap the ‘Organize Departments’ button on the main screen to add, remove or edit departments.

  • Tap the ‘New department’ button on the Departments screen to add a new department.

  • Tap a department on the Departments screen to edit the name and icon for that department.

  • Tap the ‘Edit’ button on the Departments screen to reorder and/or delete departments.

  • Swiping a department to the left is another way to delete it.

Main Grocery List

  • Tap the plus button at the bottom of a department to add a new item.

  • Tap an item to check and uncheck it.

  • Swipe an item to the left to delete it.

  • Tap the right side of an item to edit it.

  • TIP: Add emoji to items on the list.


  • Tap the ‘Menu’ button on the main screen to go to the menu screen.

  • Tap the ‘Remove all items’ button to remove all the items from each department.

  • Tap the ‘Uncheck all items’ button to reset the list for the next trip by unchecking all of the items on the list.